Reinforced Earth® Walls for Jorf Lasfar Power Station In Morocco, the Jorf Lasfar thermal power [...]
Mining and Minerals
2023-12-21T08:36:05+00:00Terre Armee designs and furnishes the materials for mining operations structures using MSE Walls, precast arches and high-performance geosynthetic solutions.
Roads and motorways
2023-12-21T08:24:48+00:00Geoquest offers a wide range of solutions that have proven to be the perfect fit for your next Roadway or Motorway infrastructure development.
Sports and leisure
2022-06-15T06:52:36+00:00Stadium spectator and participant facilities constructed with all types of pre-fabricated components supplied by Terre Armee companies.
Rivers and Waterways
2023-12-21T07:52:44+00:00Geoquest designs and furnishes materials for building river and waterway structures such as bulkheads, marinas, loading docks, bridges, canals and channels.
2023-12-21T06:52:28+00:00Geoquest, T-Wall, TechWall, TechSpan, and TechBox are used widely to construct earth-retained embankments supporting railway overpasses and underpasses.
Ports and Harbors
2022-06-15T06:49:13+00:00Geoquest draws on decades of experience designing MSE walls, prefabricated structures and earth reinforcement to build infrastructure for ports and harbors.
2023-12-21T05:28:18+00:00Ammunition and explosives storage magazines and blast shielding using MSE walls and precast arches are types of military structures supplied by Terre Armee.
Housing and Residential
2023-12-20T07:44:43+00:00Terre Armee companies design and supply materials for residential development and functional landscapes for housing.
2023-12-22T08:03:42+00:00Terre Armee‘s technology offers various applications and engineered solutions for industrial assets including protective structures for risk mitigation.