Dams, dykes and levees are sensitive structures built either to retain water for a variety of purposes (energy production, water storage, irrigation, preservation, recreation …) or to bring a protection against natural disasters (floods, waves, storm surges, tsunamis …).
Buidling, raising and expanding
The Reinforced Earth® solution has been used to build various types of dams and structures associated to dams:
Related solutions
Reinforced Earth®
Reinforced Earth®
Our flagship technique, Reinforced Earth®, is based on the principle of the friction between soil and reinforcements creating a permanent and predictable bond. At the origin of all mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls on the market today, we are continuously perfecting this ingenious technique.
TerraTextile™ W
TerraTextile™ W
Under the umbrella of TerraTextile™, our woven geotextile solutions address construction challenges associated with soft and poorly draining soils. The solution provides long term separation, filtration and hydrostatic pressure control that in turn constricts potential surface and subgrade deformations.